Saturday, September 08, 2007

Fishing with a 19 month old

Corrie and I both like fishing. Matter of fact she is the one that e-mailed me about buying our boat first. On a side note she is the one that initiated our relationship and lets me know about it!

Okay back to fishing with Leah. Leah is about the most patient child I know. But when faced with a new situation and nowhere to go she gets a little stir crazy. Corrie and I talked about what we would do. I hate fishing alone and hate it even more when Corrie is there and not fishing with me. So I asked Corrie if the portable dvd player we got for signing up with satellite tv accepted batteries. When she said yes I knew we had a winning combination. Here is a picture that tells everyone how it went.

1 comment:

PAT said...

Dude, you win the award for

"Idea I Wish My Parents Had When They Drug Me Fishing With Them All The Stinkin' Time."

Even though we all know your daughter is the real winner here; congratulations, and good fishing!