Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I have become more aware of how much I let go in relation to my day when I watch Leah. Take for example how much time that person in the car in front of you costs you when they do not travel the speed limit or the customer service rep who does not care at all about what has happened to your order.

Now let me explain Leah. She started screaming and bending over at the waist looking into a floor grate. I thought she cut herself or she stubbed her toe but as I got closer I found the problem. A kernel of corn from dinner had slipped out of her hand and plunged deep into the grate. She had the concerned look of a mother whose child was trapped and she could not help. I extracted the piece of corn and palmed it and asked Corrie for another piece of corn so that if she decided to eat it I would not have to shudder in horror. After I gave her the new one was in her hand she was happy and walked away.

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