Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tooth Paste

Corrie and I were in the store a few weeks ago and we talked about starting to brush Leah's teeth. Now normally that is not a real big deal. Get some toothpaste a brush. We decided this in the baby aisle of Target and so I figured that the TP would be there. So I told Corrie to get the TP at the end of the aisle. She looked around and I saw a look of confusion that told me that she could not see it. I went ahead and went back to "show" her where it was. When I got there she said "I can't find it"; so I said "it is right here" and pointed to a tube of paste and saw "Butt Paste" there in large letters. Apparently the TP is in the tooth brush aisle.

1 comment:

PAT said...

mmmmm good ol' Butt Paste.
If they make vegetable oil out of vegetables, then what do they make butt paste out of?