Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sorry no posting for awhile

Let the cycle of no sleep begin again! I took my sleeping pill and nothing happened. I know it is a little after 10 but I took it at 8.

Work is going a little better. I have not seen my mgr for 2 days. I did an informational interview with another group and it went very well.

I play a video game called Battlefield 2, while it is fun some of the people have got to relax. It is a game. I have fun, trash talk and all that but, getting upset over someone taking a helicopter? Please, if it getting that intense for you go do something else. BTW the south park episode about world of warcraft, extremely funny. I know a guy at work who plays it and he said it is pretty accurate.

Leah has been sick but it is so funny even when she has snot running out of her nose she wants to laugh and have fun. Amazing. I keep listening to a song by the band Live called Heaven, here is a snip of the lyrics:

You don't need no friends get back your faith again you have the power to believe another dissident take back your evidence it has no power to deceive
I'll believe it when I see it, for myself
I don't need no one to tell me about heaven I look at my daughter, and I believe I don't need no proof when it comes to God and truth I can see the sunset and I perceive
I sit with them all night everything they say is right but in the morning they were wrong I'll be right by your side come hell or water high down any road you choose to roam
I know that God gave her to us to live and care for but I just can't believe how perceptive she is. I was upset today and she was sitting in my lap and she looked at me and smiled then patted my stomach and snuggled. This is not the first time that she has done this. I guess we are going to be an emotional family. Even the dog can tell when something is wrong.

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