Thursday, February 19, 2009

Let me tell you something...

Each person is born with a different ability to deal with pain. I have played football in the snow with broken knuckles and my skin split open from the cold. I also have been laying on a gurney(do they still call them that?) before surgery feeling absolutely no pain. 3 shots of fentanyl, 1 of Versed(awesome that is all I have to say about that) and whatever else I got before surgery.

Each person reacts to medications differently also. I do not get the initial high and wobbly feeling of narcotic pills. However if I drink 3 beers I have a buzz, but if I drink hard liquor it takes quite a lot and does not last long. for muscle relaxers I cannot really take flexeril, I seem to have an adverse anger related reaction when taking it. So I use Soma. This does produce a slight floating feeling but that lasts about 2 minutes and then nothing so nothing special there.

Why am I talking about this? I feel that some of my friends think that I am addicted to pain killers. Believe me, the leash that MAPS pain clinic uses for all of their patients is quite short. I have never run out before time and have only asked to up the dose of non-narcotic meds(lyrica...) so please, if you are reading this take note. I do not and have not been addicted to pain killers.

I only ask that you spend a day with one of these types of pains and tell me that you wouldn't take anything.

1. Place a vise on your head and try and do your normal job. Now remember I have had migraines last for weeks, 6 weeks is my record.
2. Hit your dominant foot with a hammer twice an hour all day and night for 2 years, let me know how that works out.
3. Lay on the floor with an un-even rock under one side of your back for about 2 hours. Get up and try and function.

Mean part for those who still don't get it.

You are not me. You have no idea how I feel on a daily basis. If my life is so interesting to you ASK ME. Do not spread rumors do not go to others and say I think our friend John has a medication addiction problem. If you are my friend I am glad that you care enough but I have medical proof that I should have pain. If I wanted to get high I would take the $40 in co-payments I spend on average per week and buy weed, okay?

Sorry, I just can't keep quiet anymore.