Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Well here it is

So for the last few weeks I have been secretly worrying about Leah's adoption. I have dreams where I physically destroy people that try and take her. I see her inquisitive face looking over someone else's shoulder and the only things I can do is sing "you are my sunshine" as she walks away.

There are no indications that things are wrong that we know about. It is just stressful.

Monday, August 14, 2006

My wife

My wife posted on her blog last week about me. I cannot begin to describe how this made me feel. She is such a wonderful person that I cannot begin to describe what she means to me. I consider myself extremely blessed to have her in my life. I do not know how I would have dealt with some of the medical problems that I have had in my life. She is so patient and sometimes I cannot believe that she continues to be the wife and mother that she is.

I love her with all my heart, soul and being. I Love You Fussy!

work 2

Okay so work has settled down but I am still not happy. I find myself doing the absolute least to seem like I am doing something. This bothers me as my work ethic is definately non-existant. I wonder if my boss can tell that I am doing this or not. I hope that I can turn this around starting tommorow.