Tuesday, May 02, 2006

National Anthem

Okay I know that it has been awhile since I posted. New baby, gutted basement and work have all taken toll on time.

Even if no one reads this I at least have said something.

WHO CARES if someone wants to make a version of our national anthem in another language? Does it hurt something? Do I believe that if you would like to live here in the United States you should learn English or at least some English? YES. Imagine if I worked at a company that had a diverse population(I do btw) how would we get anything done if we all spoke our native language or had to have one or more interpreter per meeting. Nothing would get done on time. Is it okay that when I walk past a conversation in the hall that I do not understand it, yeah it is. If I have requirements for a project that do not make absolute sense for someone from another country then by all means find a way to understand it and get the work done.

That being said. Please do not make mountains out of molehills, find a common ground and become a citizen if you would like to live/work here.