Monday, January 09, 2006

Finally a doctor that reacts!

I went to the doctor today! Usually this meets with anger, frustration and lack of action. She listened, asked questions, and formed a plan of action. She gave me something to put me to sleep so that I can finally get this thing under control.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

First day - Sleepless in Minneapolis

Well I thought I would try this so that at least when I am not sleeping I could just ramble on, not for attention but just for fun.

I have had a migraine for about 5.5 weeks now. Yes I know this is rare but it has happened before. I have sought medical attention and have an appt on Monday. I think I am going to try to write down all of the medications that I have been put on for these things for the last 3 years.

Imitrex - shots and pills
amitryptiline (sp?)
another anti-depressant that I can't remember
A blood pressure med that I can't remember

massage - great but I had to pay for it myself
imaging therapy - where I try to imagine the loosening of the muscles and the pain going away (works for about 5 minutes while I am doing it)
yoga music
weight loss (120lbs)

I will add more to those as I remember.

That is it for tonight.